Soode taastamise teemaline seminar Rootsis 3. - 5.11.15

Registration is now open for Final Seminar – Peatland restoration project Life to ad(d)mire!


The event will take place 3–5 November 2015 in Värnamo, Sweden.


Life to ad(d)mire is a LIFE+ Nature project specialized in restoring hydrology within mires, fens and

bogs. The project has restored 3 500 hectares of drained mires and wetlands at 35 sites throughout



Registration form is found at  Choose Final Seminar (to the left on the web page) to get to the registration form.


Or reach the form directly through:


Everyone interested in peat land restorations are invited to join the Final Seminar of LIFE+ project Life to

ad(d)mire. Main topics at the seminar will be planning and performing hydrological restoration actions,

vegetative restoration in wetlands, and positive effects of wetland restoration. There will be field trips to

Store Mosse National Park and other large bogs that have been restored within the project.


Please feel free to forward this invitation in case you know someone who could be interested to know about it.





Johan Rova

Förvaltare av naturreservat, PhD

Naturavdelningen, Skötselenheten, Länsstyrelsen i Jönköpings län, 551 86 Jönköping

Telefon 010-223 63 89 (kontor och mobil)


